This is a blog post about how sound waves work and why we cannot hear them. It covers the following topics: what we can hear, what is sound? and how does it work. The article also talks about why there is no such thing as 'quiet'. This article will help you learn more about sound waves and their significance in our world, making it helpful for understanding science in general.
Sound Waves: What's the Big Deal?
What we can't hear (but should be aware of): Sound waves.
Why do people say that sounds travel faster than light?
How to measure the speed of a wave: frequency-time diagram. Sound waves are not the only things that travel faster than light.
Sound is a mechanical wave. A mechanical wave is a disturbance that travels through the medium it's in, which causes particles to move up and down, or side to side. This movement causes the particles to collide with each other, transferring energy back and forth between them. These collisions cause neighbouring particles to move, which causes more collisions with neighbouring particles, and so on. Mechanical waves do not require a medium for propagation. Sonar uses sound waves that are reflected off of objects underwater to detect the objects' presence or size without actually having to "see" them using visible light or another form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Similarly, ultrasound is used in medical technology to simulate sound waves that travel through tissue and create a picture of the object. Medical sonar has helped save lives by helping doctors perform surgery and locate tumors and foreign objects until other imaging modalities became available.
A sound wave needs to be amplified (or transformed) into EMR (electromagnetic radiation) and then translated into a frequency that the human ear can hear. There are several different technologies to do this. It can be done using an horn or speaker but those require electricity, which usually requires an AC (alternating current) power source like a battery, as it uses electromagnetic induction to produce sound. A speaker works by moving a cone back and forth in a magnetic field. The sound wave then travels through space as a mechanical wave, although in a different medium. This eventually makes it into the air in its original medium, where it is converted back into EMR and sent to the ear. Other parts of the body can also feel sound waves, such as bone conduction or sensitivity to vibrations, which explains how the ear drum is moved from an explosion from across a room. These vibrations can also be transmitted directly from one object to another using mechanical waves without using any form of EMR between them, although this is quite rare except at very high frequencies where light may not be able to travel due to excessive attenuation via absorption and scattering. So in this way, sound does travel faster than light. Sound waves are commonly used in science experiments to illustrate how mechanical waves work.
The speed of sound has been measured indirectly in many different ways over the years, but the most accurate method used today is to measure the frequency of two similar waves traveling at different speeds through the same medium and then by using the wave equation, which when known can give you the speed of a wave. Using this method, it was found that sound actually travels at about , which is slower than many people thought it did.
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